Monday 2 July 2012

Find minimum number in an array in C

Code - 

//_Program reads 5 numbers and find the minimum out of them .... (Array Example)__

//__________Include Header Files___________



//____________Mainly used for the getch() function______________

int main()

//_____This is the function from where the program execution starts____

int number[5], temp = 0, minimum = 0;

//_________Array index starts from 0 and runs till (Size - 1)_______________

printf("\n\n\t\t________Finding the minimum out of 5 numbers_________\n\n");

for(temp = 0; temp < 5 ; temp++)

//__________Looping construct from 0 to 4 i.e. 5 times___________

printf("\n  Enter the %d number - ",temp + 1);

//___________Prompting the user to enter the numbers____________

scanf("%d", &number[temp]);

//_____________Reading the numbers and adding them to array__________

minimum = number[0];

//__________Assuming the first number is the minimum number____________

for (temp = 1; temp < 5; temp++)
if (number[temp] < minimum)

//______ Checking if the other elements in the array is less than the minimun set______
minimum = number[temp];


printf("\n\n\t\tMinimum Number :- %d", minimum);

//___________Displaying the lowest number____________


return 0;

//__Return 0 tells the compiler that program execution has been done without any errors_


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