Monday 2 July 2012

Odd or Even Number in C

Code -

//_____Program will find out whether a given year is leap year or not_______

/* An year is said to be a leap year if it is completely divisible by 400 OR it is divisible by 4 not by

 100.  Hint -  Modulus operator will be used (%)  */

//__________________Including Header Files___________________



//________Mainly included for the getch() function____________

int main()

//________Program execution starts from the main function_____

int year;

printf("\n\n\t  ___________ Program to check year for being a Leap year ___________");

printf("\n\n Enter the year - ");

//___________Prompting the user to enter a year____________

scanf("%d", &year);

//____Reading the user input and storing that input in variable year of type Integer_____

if (((year % 400) == 0) || (((year % 4) == 0) && ((year % 100) != 0)))

//_____Checking the year for being a leap year______

printf("\n\n\t\t\t__________ %d is a leap year __________", year);

//_____This statement will get executed if the year entered is a leap year_____

printf("\n\n\t\t     _________ %d is not a leap year _________", year);

//_____This statement will get executed if the year entered is not a leap year_____



return 0;

//_return 0 tells the compiler that program has executed successfully without errors__

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