Monday 9 July 2012

Sum of the digits of 5 digit number in C

Code - 

/* Program to find the sum of the digits of a 5 digit number */



#include<stdlib.h> //____ Header file included for system("cls") _____

int check_five(int number);

int main()
int number = 0, sum = 0, remainder = 0, temp = 0, check = 0;

while(check != 1)

printf("\n    __ Program to calculate the sum of the digits of 5 digit number ___");

printf("\n\n\n  Enter the Number - ");


check = check_five(number);

if (check == 0)
//__ Error Message____

printf("\n\n\t\t____ 5 digit number is required ____");

printf("\n\n\n  Press Enter to Continue....");

while(getch() != 13)

temp = number;

while(temp != 0)
remainder = temp % 10;

temp = temp / 10;

sum = sum + remainder;

//___ finding the sum of the digits ____


printf("\n\n  The sum of the digits of number %d is %d", number, sum);


return 0;


int check_five(int number)
int remainder = 0, counter = 0;

while(number != 0)
remainder = number % 10;

number = number / 10;


if (counter == 5)

/*___ Change 5 to make this program for any digit number, but do check the value of

 integer before doing that */
return 1;
return 0;

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